Paved Parking Lot vs Tar & Chip or Gravel, Best Value for long term is Asphalt.
If you’re looking into a new driveway or parking lot, you’ll need to decide whether asphalt or concrete is the better choice. Both materials are good choices and offer certain advantages. We believe that asphalt, properly installed and maintained, is the best option for most DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING LOTS...
So why should you choose an ASPHALT over a concrete one? You can find seven good reasons just in the name!
A – Affordable
Asphalt is usually the most cost-effective option for driveways and parking lots (by far).
S – Strength
Asphalt is very strong and durable. Of course, it must be installed properly to ensure its strength and durability (poorly installed materials will always fail, regardless of the type), so be sure the contractor you choose has a good reputation.
P – Proper Mix
It’s not just the material, it’s the mix. REGIONAL PAVING has its own expert technicians to ensure the proper mix of oil and aggregates. Extensive testing ensures density and proper compaction properties. Properly mixed, installed, and maintained asphalt is less likely to crack than any concrete mixture when subjected to the forces of traffic or freeze-and-thaw weather cycles.
H – Hands-on Project Management
REGIONAL PAVING'S KNOWLEDGEABLE PROJECT MANAGERS will help you understand the job from start to finish and work closely with you throughout it. We think it’s important to keep our customers informed!
A – Asphalt Options
Your particular project has its own particular needs. There are many ASPHALT-SOLUTIONS that should be considered. For example, is it best for you to have porous, permeable, or pervious pavement?
L – Longevity
The longevity of asphalt is well known. There’s a reason it’s the preferred choice for most municipalities – they know the material is virtually permanent. It’s the go-to material for roads that will see heavy traffic, and it will serve you just as well for your driveway or parking lot.
T – Treatment
Asphalt is easy to maintain, requiring only regular seal coating and crack treatment to ensure it stays just as strong and good-looking as when you first installed it. If it does need further repair, it looks better than repaired concrete.
We know asphalt, and we think it’s the best option for most paving situations. Considering an asphalt driveway or parking lot? CONTACT REGIONAL PAVING & CONCRETE today to discuss how our asphalt solutions can best meet your needs.
GIOVANNI 905-651-2451
